Die Bedeutung der Flüssigkeitszufuhr bei der Behandlung von Diabetes

Die Bedeutung der Flüssigkeitszufuhr bei der Behandlung von Diabetes

BOLERO® Getränkepulver ist eine zucker- und kalorienfreie Möglichkeit für Diabetiker, ihren Flüssigkeitsbedarf zu decken und die Blutzuckerregulation zu unterstützen.
Overnight Oats mit Zimt

Overnight oats with cinnamon

Start the day with a healthy breakfast. How about a healthy breakfast with overnight oats?! You can prepare your breakfast quickly and easily the evening before. The oat flakes are rich in iron, ...
Leckere BOLERO Kokos-Pfannkuchen

Delicious BOLERO coconut pancakes

Children and adults alike can look forward to delicious pancakes. With our recipe you can make the most delicious coconut pancakes. We give your traditional pancakes an exotic touch with the unm...
Erfrischendes Sommervergnügen: Bolero Eis am Stiel selbstgemacht!

Refreshing summer treat: homemade Bolero ice cream on a stick!

Summer, sun, heat and the need for inner refreshment? Then our ice cream recipe is just right for you and the whole family. Let's jump right in and grab some refreshments. These are your ing...
6 Tipps damit du täglich mehr Wasser trinkst

6 tips to help you drink more water every day

Our body consists of 70% water and therefore water is essential for our organism's survival. Water is involved in many bodily functions and ensures that nutrients are transported and our metab...
Bewegung im Alltag: 10 Tipps, um den Sitz-Stress zu besiegen

Exercise in everyday life: 10 tips to beat sitting stress

In Germany, more and more people spend their time sitting, but this can have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, joints, muscles and the entire body. Doctors rightly warn: sitting is t...
Fruchtig-leichtes Sommerdessert: Bolero Vanille-Beerenjoghurt in Minuten zubereitet

Fruity, light summer dessert: Bolero vanilla berry yogurt prepared in minutes

Looking for a delicious dessert? Then we have just the thing for you: Bolero vanilla berry yogurt! In just 3 minutes you can conjure up a delicious and fruity dessert. Recipe for 2 to 4 people...
Exotischer Genuss im Sommer: Bolero Mango Lassi - Das erfrischende Rezept

Exotic enjoyment in summer: Bolero Mango Lassi - The refreshing recipe

Summer is here, and what better way to welcome it than with a refreshing summer drink? Our suggestion: Bolero Mango Lassi! This drink is not only delicious, but also refreshing and exotic - an a...